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Project  2: A Self-Stigma Scale for Latinos with SUD/HIV under Criminal Justice Supervision


A Self-Stigma Scale for Latinos with SUD/HIV under Criminal Justice Supervision Stigma is a socially constructed concept that identifies a person or social group as deviant from some norm, ideal, or expectation. Stigmatized persons are viewed negatively for having violated certain rules or for possessing traits that are negative, feared, or socially devalued. Erving Goffman described stigma as “an attribute that is deeply discrediting” whereby those who are stigmatized become “reduced in our minds from a whole and usual person to a tainted, discounted one”. Self-stigma refers to devaluation, secrecy, fear of enacted stigma that emerge from identification with a stigmatized and a devalued group and their resulting behavioral impact like avoidance of treatment, failure to seek employment, and avoidance of intimate contact with others. Self-stigma is a barrier to treatment access and adherence, increases the risk of disability, and is associated with drug resistance.


Specific Aims:


 Aim 1: Translate from English to Spanish and culturally adapt an existing measure of self-stigma among individuals with SUD, the Substance Abuse Self Stigma Scale (SASSS).


Aim 2: Assess the psychometric properties (factor structure, convergent validity, reliability and coefficient variation) of the translated SASSS instrument.


Aim 3: Explore the magnitude and intensity of SUD self-stigma among a sample of Puerto Rican prison inmates and identify their association with SUD treatment experiences, controlling for socio-demographic factors (age, education, employability, and marital status), drug use and criminal history.


Funding Source: NIDA Grant # 2 R24 DA02868-03 


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Project 2 Productivity:




Manifestaciones del estigma hacia usuarios de drogas en el sector de tratamiento para trastornos de sustancias y sus implicaciones para la política de salud. Por: Carmen Albizu, MD, Sugeily Rivera-Suazo, MSW y Salvador Santiago, PhD


Midiendo el Estigma: Adaptación Cultiral de Instrumentos para Medir el Estigma Internalizado en Población Latina. Por: Coralee Pérez-Pedrogo, Ph.D., Sugeily Rivera-Suazo, M.S.W., José Noel Caraballo, Ph.D. y Carmen E. Albizu-García, M.D.








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Stigma Project Team

Coralee Pérez-Pedrogo

Principal Investigator

Tel. 787-522-9034

Ext. 1421 ó 1613

Tel. 787-758-2525

Ext. 4218

José N. Caraballo



Carmen E. Albizu García


Tel. 787-522-9034

Ext. 1406

Sugeily Rivera-Suazo


Roxanne Alvarado-Torres

Research Assistant

Tel. 787-522-9034

Ext. 1410

Tel. 787-522-9034

Ext. 1411

Gabriela Román-Colón

Research Assistant

Keilyn M. Vale Lassalle

Research Assistant

Tel. 787-522-9034

Ext. 1420

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