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DIDARP's team participates in several activities through the year. In these, they represent our investigative labor and contribute to strengthening research efforts related to substance abuse and criminal justice in Puerto Rico.

Stigma Project at APPR's Annual Convention
On November 15, 2013, the Stigma Project team participated as part of the scientific program of the Psychology Association of Puerto Rico's Annual Convention. By offering the presentations "Stigma manifestations towards drug users at treatment scenario and its implications for health policies" and "Measuring Stigma: Cultural Adaptation of Instruments to Measure Internalized Stigma in Latino Population", they caught the interest of the audience, who participated actively in the discussion.
Nov 15, 2013

Best Poster Award- Milan
Rafael González received an award for best poster at the 4th World Congress on ADHD. Only six of the 392 posters presented at the conference received such recognition. The work is entitled Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Violence: Findings from the adult psychiatric morbidity survey, 2007
Journal Club: "Relative Efficacy of a Multisession Sexual Risk-Reduction Invervention for Young Men Released From Prisons in 4 States"
As part of our educational activities, we offered the fourth Journal Club for the present project cycle. It was directed by Graciela Vega-Debién and Dr. Rafael Ramírez who discussed the different aspects relevant to the development and implementation of multicentric studies.
Nov 13, 2013
Jun 13, 2013

Rafael Ramírez & Noel Caraballo
Rafael Ramírez and Noel Caraballo participated at The Modern Modeling Methods (M3) Conference. This is an interdisciplinary conference designed to showcase the latest modeling methods and to present research related to these methodologies.
May 22, 2013

Rafael Ramírez, Carmen Rivera-Medina, José N. Caraballo,
José Ruiz Valcarcel, Glorimar Caraballo-Correa, and Carmen Albizu
One of our latest scientific publications: Patterns of Drug use Measure using Latent Class and Latent Transition Analysis with Covariates in a representative sample of Incarcerated adults in Puerto Rico
Dec 12, 2012

Rafael Ramírez, Carmen Rivera-Medina, José N. Caraballo,
José Ruiz Valcarcel, Glorimar Caraballo-Correa, and Carmen Albizu