CJ-DATS II is a 5-year national initiative by the NIDA designed to fund research on drug treatment services delivery in the criminal justice settings. Researchers from 11 academic research centers and NIDA are working together with federal, state, and local criminal justice partners to develop and implement system-level models in three areas: assessment and case planning, HIV continuum services, and Medication-assisted treatment. Research undertaken in CJ-DATS II will provide useful knowledge about organizational processes, including processes leading to organizational change, that are involved in the successful integration public health and public safety approaches for criminal justice population.
Who is involved in CJ-DATS II?
Research Center |
Criminal Justice Partner |
Arizona State University............................................................................. |
Maricopa County Adult Probation |
Brown University, University of Rhode Island &.......................................... University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus |
Rhode Island Department of Corrections, Department of Correction and Rehabilitation Correctional Health Services |
Friends Research...................................................................................... |
Maryland Dept. of Public Safety & Correctional Services |
Temple University...................................................................................... |
Pennsylvania Department of Corrections |
Texas Christian University.......................................................................... |
Illinois Department of Corrections |
University of California, Los Angeles.......................................................... |
Washington State Department of Corrections |
University of Connecticut........................................................................... |
Connecticut Department of Correction |
University of Delaware............................................................................... |
New Jersey Department of Corrections |
University of Kentucky................................................................................ |
Kentucky Department of Corrections |
National Development & Research Institutes............................................. |
Colorado Department of Corrections |
NIH Justice System research Initiatives:
National Institute of Drug Abuse
National Addiction and HIV Data Archive Program
Criminal Justice Drug Abuse Treatment Studies Phase II

Graciela Vega-Debién
Project Coordinator
Paloma M. González López
Research Assistant

Linda Pardo
Research Assistant