The Educational Component is the unit responsible for the training and development of DIDARP's team members. Based on a rigorous needs assessment of our team, we create Individualized Development Plans that aims to provide learning spaces and identify the necessary resources for both the faculty and research assistants, to develop research capacity.
Progress and achievements of DIDARP's team members are supported throughout the project development. Thus we ensure both team members and project success in a parallel way. Also, they have the opportunity to participate in the development of their career path at DIDARP. This is achieved through anagogical model which involves self-directed learning and the pursuit of interests and development opportunities by the learner.
Besides the development of our team, the Educational Component coordinates several activities for the benefit to the academic community and the general public. In this way, we strengthen research efforts related to substance abuse and criminal justice in Puerto Rico .
Educational Component
Conceptual Model for Research Capacity Building
How do we ensure Research Capacity Building?
The design of our trainings are directed to the development of the following skills:
Additional Resources
To complement development activities coordinated by the Educational Component, we constantly encourage our team to use various tools that are available through the web. Here we share some of which have proved to be effective in our training and development process.
Qualitative Research - Peter Woods
Learning Qualitative Data online
Publishing Adiction Science: A guide for the perplexed
Publishing Adiction Science: A self-guided tutorial
Web-Based Tools: