Project 1: Dimensional Perspective of ADHD and its Comorbidity with SUD in Latino Prison Inmates
Substance Use Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are highly comorbid disorders in adults. Both are over-represented among prison inmates. Our study aims to elucidate areas of overlap between these coexisting disorders by studying its symptoms from a dimensional perspective. This approach to studying psychopathology considers the complexity of mental disorders and aims to go overcome some of the limitations of restricting analyses to psychiatric classification.
Specific Aims:
1. To improve the assessment and identification of individuals with ADHD and SUD within the prison inmate population, we will use a comprehensive battery of tests to evaluate these disorders and their co-occurrence for Spanish-speaking Latinos.
2. To estimate the prevalence and associated comorbidities of SUD/ADHD within the prison context.
3. In order to better understand the clinical heterogeneity, symptom clusters and the nature of the association between ADHD and SUD in imprisoned adults, we will quantify the association between these disorders, employing dimensional approaches to ADHD psychopathology.
4. To determine if there are specific associations between ADHD/SUD and aspects of criminal behavior such as: age of onset of criminal behavior, multiple incarcerations (i.e., recidivism) and types of crime, we will use both categorical and dimensional models of ADHD.

Project 1 Productivity:
González, R., Gudjonsson, G., Wells, J. & Young, S. (2013). Examination of the role of emotional distress and ADHD with type of offending, recidivism and behavioural disturbances among adult prisoners. Poster presented at the Fourth International Congress on ADHD, June, Milan, Italy.
González, R., Kallis, C. & Coid, J. W. (2013). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Violence in the Population of England: Does Comorbidity Matter? Poster presented at the World Congress on ADHD, Milan, Italy.
Velez-Pastrana, M. C., Rodriguez J., Purcell-Baerga, P. Alicea, A. … (2013 – June 6-9). Assessment of executive functions in adults: Validation of the Spanish-language Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS). Poster presented at the 4th World Congress on ADHD, Milan, Italy.
González, R., Gudjonsson, G., Wells, J. & Young, S. (2013). Examination of the role of emotional distress and ADHD with type of offending, recidivism and behavioural disturbances among adult prisoners. Journal of Attention Disorders.
González, R., Vélez-Pastrana, M. C., Correa Fernández V., Albizu, C. & Levin F. R. (under review). Comorbidity of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorders in incarcerated populations: Implications for Research and Intervention.
González, R., Vélez-Pastrana, M. C., Ruiz Valcárcel, J. J., Levin, F. R., & Albizu-García, C. E. (2012). Childhood ADHD Symptoms Are Associated With Lifetime and Current Illicit Substance-Use Disorders and In-Site Health Risk Behaviors in a Representative Sample of Latino Prison Inmates. Journal of Attention Disorders[published ahead of print].
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ADHD Project Team

Carmen E. Albizu García
Principal Investigator

Rafael Ramírez
Co-Principal Investigator
Analysis Consultor